Cloud-based List Master CRM offers a number of optional features for your database. Most of them are free of additional charge, and we can train you to use them effectively. In addition, we're always developing and expanding our CRM system — so let us know what you'd like it to do. 

AUTOMATIC MEMBERSHIP UPDATES: List Master can automatically update membership status of all records every 24 hours. Say, for example, your nonprofit organization confers membership on all donors who’ve given $35 or more in the past year. List Master will update your list of current members each night based on those parameters. This is done using a category code on the Category & Links screen.

Also related to membership is the “Expires” field on the Contact Info/Data Entry screen. This field can be manipulated manually, or — highly recommended — can be set to update automatically based on Transaction codes.

AUTOMATIC THANK YOU LETTERS/RECEIPTS: Buttons can be added to the Transactions Screen that generate personalized thank you letters and receipts, complete with your business or nonprofit's color logo, sent by either mail or e-mail.

LIMITED MEMBER ACCESS: Want to give members or other people affiliated with your nonprofit organization or business limited access to List Master records? We will customize an interface so that web site users, members and others can search for records and view contact information. They can also be given the ability to edit and create records. Here's an example: http://www.ata.org/provider-search

EMAIL REMINDERS: Set up automatic emails to notify you about appointmemnts, events or any item recorded in the Relationship Management fields for a given constituent. Choose to receive emails the day of the event or appointment, or get one every day until a task is completed.

EVENT MANAGEMENT: List Master offers a sophisticated event-management module, including the ability to fully manage multiple events at once. Create teams or tables, including team/table captains and members, and track all types of transactions related to the event. Additionally, create individual web sites for each of your events that interface directly with List Master. These sites provide registration (including credit card processing), fundraising reports and team pages. We typically charge $1000 to $2000 for web sites, depending on complexity.

GRANT MANAGEMENT: Choose between two screens, one designed specifically for grant makers and one for agencies receiving grants, to help you manage deadlines, payments, etc.

ONLINE SALES: List Master offers tools for online sales, including a drop-down menu of all merchandise with prices attached. For clients doing point-of-sale transactions, a pop-up box calculates change owed.  

TASK/MATERIALS LISTS: Drop-down lists containing anything applicable to your work — such as items for inclusion in information packets or a list of volunteer activities — can be added to the Relationship Management screen.

VOTER INFORMATION: A package of voter demographics showing voter age, party affiliation, house and senate districts, etc. can be loaded to your database to help with campaign management. The data fields appear on the contact information screen and are searchable. The information can be updated at any time. One of List Master’s standard reports uses these demographics to show donations broken down by donor age range.

Matching your database with voter data can be done in a number of ways. There are commercial services, as well as subsidized options for conservation-oriented non-profits. We’ll help you find the most appropriate and low-priced package.