List Master CRM offers several options for complete event management. Organize and track your business or nonprofit organization's event registration, transactions, results and more directly from your database, which can be easily integrated with your web site.

Event management fields: Organize and track multiple events at once using a special set of fields for managing teams and tables, located on the Transactions Screen.

Event check-In: List Master provides an output option specifically designed for event check-in. It generates a printable list of team members or people sitting at each table, including detailed contact and registration information, even t-shirt sizes.

Full-service web sites: For even more sophisticated event management, List Master can create separate web sites for each of your major events, to handle registration, track fundraising, create individual team pages, and more. These sites provide complete credit card processing and fully interface with your List Master database. They typically cost between $1000 and $2000 for initial set-up, and can be used year after year.


Event management fields on the Transactions Screen allow you to track when a person joins a team, pays for a seat at a table, donates money to a team, signs up as an event sponsor, and more.

Team/table records: Each team/table is assigned its own record in the database.

Event appeal codes: Each event is assigned an appeal code, and all transactions associated with the event use this appeal code.

Use the Deposit Date and Amount fields as usual to record monetary exchanges associated with the event.

Donation Type drop-down menu: Select whether the transaction is by cash, check, credit card or sponsorship — or select “Zero Dollar Transaction” when no money is involved, such as when someone joins a team.

Appeal Code: Enter the code assigned to this event.

From the Team/Table Captain drop-down menu, just right of “Event Info,” choose whether the contact is a team/table captain, team/table member, event sponsor or donor only (meaning they donate money but aren’t otherwise involved in the event). 

If the contact is a team captain and starting a new team or table, enter the team/table name in the field provided (the blank field just right of the team captain’s name). The new team name will then be available in the Select team/table drop-down menu.

Goal: Optional field for recording any kind of monetary goal (per team or per team member) associated with the event.

Use the Sponsors drop-down menu to indicate that this contact is sponsoring such-and-such team member.

Record any additional notes in the large empty field at the bottom of the screen.

Tip: If you put t-shirt sizes in the notes field, they’ll appear on the spreadsheet created by the Event Check-In output option.


List Master has been developing event web sites for years, with proven customer satisfaction and fundraising success.

See www.azwalk.ata.org for just one example of a site used to manage a large, annual event year after year.

Our web sites provide:

  • Online event registration synched with your List Master database.
  • Secure, on-site credit card processing for all donations and registrations.
  • Optional separate pages for each team or table. These pages provide information to team members and supporters, and track fundraising results. You (or List Master staff) can create and control the team/table pages, or you can allow teams/tables to create and monitor their own pages. Sites without team pages have a drop-down list of teams instead, allowing you to select a team and see its continually updated fundraising efforts.
  • Automatic and up-to-the-minute reports of totals raised and other event goals.
  • Full interface with your List Master database. Data entered and changes made to the web site will automatically appear in the database, and vice versa.

List Master typically charges $1500 to $2000 to set up an event web site with team pages, and $1000 to $1500 for web sites without team pages. Please note that you can use these sites year after year, updating information as your event changes and grows, for no additional fee.

Please contact us any time for an estimate.